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Custom Data Conversion

It happens. New applications replace old. New computers replace the old. New operating systems make old software
or old hardware obsolete. For whatever reason, you are stuck with old, obsolete data files...."Orphaned Data" as it is called.
Maybe its in a flat file format like CSV (Comma Separated Values) or tab delimited text. Maybe it is a database file but in
an odd format. Maybe your new software is a 3rd party application like AssetWorks or Salesforce and your vendor won't
even consider doing the historical data import or gives an outrageous quote. So what do you do?
Sometimes you can just Import into MS Access or SQL Server, but many times you can't because some of the columns are
the wrong data format or they need some type of calculation or filtering before being imported....but don't give up!

Lemmex Software Solutions has the answer to your data conversion problems. We build custom applications to fix whatever issues there are.

Here are just a few examples of our many Custom Data Conversion Solutions:

Inventory Data: Serial Data to MS Access Database

This Inventory Report was originally over 400 printed pages, which consumed many hours of engineering time as they searched for the desired parts. We created an application to acquire the inventory data directly from a mainframe as serial data on a daily basis and post the data into an MS Access database for easy searching. This program saved the company over $250,000 every year!
Inventory Data

RMA Data: Excel Data to MS Access Database

This Return Material Authorization Data form was created in MS Access to replace the data in multiple confusing MS Excel spreadsheets. After conversion their old data automatically populated the form and it became easily searchable and enabled multiple types of reports to be generated.
RMA Data

Fleet Management Data: AssetWorks SQL Server Data to Serial Data

This web interface application was created to read SQL Server data from AssetWorks (Fleet Data) and convert it to a flat file for import into an Accounting Program.
SQL Data

Fleet Management Data Display: AssetWorks SQL Server Data to Serial Data

This is an image of the data display in the web interface application as shown above.

Feel free to contact us to discuss any of your data concerns.
SQL Data Display